Daily consumption of lemon can give you these
for love and lemons
The abundant nutrients found in lemon make it a super food;
it is beneficial for the human body in every way.
Rich in vitamin C, lemon not only adds flavor to foods
but is also used in beverages. The amount of copper, magnesium, vitamin B6,
potassium, zinc, antioxidants and zinc present in lemons make the human body healthy.
According to medical experts, adding half a lemon to your diet on a daily basis
can bring these benefits to human health.
Improved immunity
The abundance of vitamin C and antioxidants in lemons
help strengthen the immune system and fight germs.
Improves cholesterol
Consuming lemons on a daily basis helps balance
cholesterol levels. According to a study, vitamin C is excellent for reducing
LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.
Improves digestion
Soluble fiber in lemons helps regulate bowel movements
and improves digestion. The fiber called 'pectan' in it improves the health of
the intestines.
Weight loss
A glass of lemon water with honey does wonders for the
human body. The fiber in lemon expands after being absorbed into the human
body, which makes the stomach feel full.
Kidney stones
Lemon can significantly reduce the chances of kidney
stones. The high amount of citric acid in lemon helps prevent kidney stones.
cucumber and lemon water benefits,